32 research outputs found

    Fred i Østasien

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    Idealister og realister i USAs Midtøsten-politikk

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    I amerikansk utenrikspolitikk står idealistene på Israels side. Spørsmålet er hvor lenge idealismen kan styre USAs Midtøsten-politikk. Paradoksalt nok gjelder dette også hvis det idealistiske prosjektet for demokratisering av det “større Midtøsten” i en viss utstrekning lykkes

    La paix imposée par la Chine : l'accord franco-vietnamien du 6 mars 1946

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    Tønnesson Stein. La paix imposée par la Chine : l'accord franco-vietnamien du 6 mars 1946. In: Les Cahiers de l'Institut d'Histoire du Temps Présent, n°34, juin 1996. Les guerres d’Indochine de 1945 à 1975. pp. 35-56

    Explaining the East Asian Peace : A Research Story

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    This is a personal story of a multinational research programme that, instead of explaining conflict, has sought to explain peace, and to gauge its quality and sustainability. The Uppsala Conflict Data Programme has shown a dramatic drop in East Asian battle deaths between the 1970s and ’80s, just as wars got worse in the rest of the world. Since 1989, East Asia has been exceptionally peaceful. The book recounts heated discussions over how to explain a regional transition to peace

    Will Nationalism Drive Conflict in Asia?

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    The article is part of a discussion of  why nationalism is surging in the world today, instead of  having run its course. It discusses this question in an Asian context with main focus on state nationalism in China, Japan and Taiwan, and on sub-state nationalism in Myanmar.  The article argues that the new nationalism is dangerous and could, in conjunction with other factors, lead to open conflict in a region that has long enjoyed relative peace.East Asian Peac

    Deterrence, inter-dependence, and Sino–US peace

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    Peace between China and the USA is likely to continue as long as the relationship is underpinned by mutual nuclear deterrence as well as economic interdependenceEast Asian Peac

    The South China Sea in the Age of European Decline

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    Book Notes

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